Complete your patient forms online before your appointment.
Downloadable & Printable Forms Below
Patients are seen in the office by appointment only. For your initial visit please arrive in the office fifteen minutes early to fill out necessary paperwork. If you prefer, we can fax or email the forms to you in advance or you can download them from this site. Please bring your child’s insurance card to all appointments. Your cooperation is necessary to keep us on schedule.
Future Appointments
Well Child Appointments are the routine visits scheduled at regular intervals with your child’s pediatric provider. These visits usually include a history, physical examination, and time for discussion of problems. These visits also include indicated immunizations, routine blood and urine tests, and vision and hearing screening.
Newborn infants are seen several days after nursery discharge. Infants born at home or at a birth center are typically seen in the first 72 hours of life. Newborns are seen again at 10-14 days of life and at age 4-5 weeks.
Infants are seen at age 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 months. Children are then seen every 6 months until age 4 years. Thereafter they are seen annually.
These appointments are typically scheduled at least two to three months in advance.
School and Sports physicals are often required by schools within the six month period before school begins. If you know that your child will require a school or sports physical please call ASAP to schedule.
Follow up appointments are appointments that your pediatrician has requested you make to evaluate ongoing medical issues. Examples of these appointments would be weight check visits, headache follow up visits, developmental follow ups visits and asthma follow up.
Future appointments can be scheduled by calling our office at 410-243-8632 or can be scheduled at the time of the initial visit.
Acute Sick Appointments are appointments needed for a new medical concern. Examples of these appointments would be evaluation of ear pain, sore throat, cough, wheezing, rash and abdominal pain. Since these appointments are for acute issues, your child’s appointment will be scheduled for the first available appointment that day in order to accommodate all children who need to be seen. Patients are encouraged to call early in the day to make appointments for sick children.
Pre-Op Visits should be scheduled 7-10 days in advance of surgery. Please have all forms faxed to our office or bring them with to your appointment.
Expectant Parents are encouraged set up an office “meet and greet” or telephone consultation with Dr. Tellerman prior to delivery to find out more about our pediatric practice.
Missed Appointments/Late Cancellations
Missed appointments represent a cost to us, to you and to other patients who could have been seen in the time set aside for you. Cancellations are required 24 hours prior to the appointment. We reserve the right to charge for missed appointments or appointments not cancelled within 24 hours. The charge for missed appointments is $20. Excessive abuse of missed scheduled appointments may result in discharge from the practice.
**We will be administering Covid-19 vaccinations to ages 5-11 once it is available.
If interested, please ask any staff member to add your child’s name to our vaccination contact list.